Nothing quite as awesome as walking into the restrooms and seeing a heavy set young lady bent at the waist with her head resting on the sink counter appearing to be passed out. My interest piqued and of course would check on her once I'd gone pee because my bladder would not wait. I went to my stall and handled my business to the accompanying sound of her suddenly puking in the sink and running water. LOVELY! The very same sink area I'll be needing to wash my hands momentarily, can't wait! As I exit the stall and head to the sink, I literally take a deep breath and hold it like I'm about to free dive in Hawaii because the last thing I'd like to experience is the scent of puke along with the acoustics. I quickly turn on the water, soap up my hands and rinse so I don't begin to turn shades of blue resembling Violet Beauregarde.

The young lady looks up at me (face essentially IN the sink) smiles and says with slurred words, "Ignore me, I'm sorry." Half of me wanted to say "No problem there!" and run out with dripping wet hands. But the customer service in me said, "It's okay, don't worry about it. Are you okay?" What the hell is wrong with me?! Why did I ask if she was okay? Because I'm a nice person that's always concerned with other people's welfare damn it! Fortunately she didn't see that as an opening for conversation, though I'm not so sure she could have even carried on a conversation at that point if she'd tried. Unfortunately for her, she began hurling again and I quickly retreated to the paper towels, dried my hands, and made my way back to my office. Of course I get a guest about an hour later telling me that the bathroom "needs attention because someone was sick in the sink" so I called to have it cleaned. Have I mentioned I love my EVS team?
At least it wasn't a homeless person bathing in the sink again, that's just as awkward and smelly.
At least it wasn't a homeless person bathing in the sink again, that's just as awkward and smelly.
Graveyards never fail to disappoint me. There's always a story to tell.
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